A couple weeks ago, the other volunteers and I went to help the Bangkok Adventist Hospital team with prison ministries. Through gracious donations of care packages, supplies and time, we were able to help care for and minister to many prisoners. This prison has about 4,000 inmates, and supplies and even beds are scarce. If the prisoner has no family or friends to bring him new flip-flops or toiletries, he goes without. Our church ministry donated 2,000 care packages to those without family or friends. Also, we saw about 400 dental patients that day. There is next to no resource for them when having medical or dental problems, so we were thankful that God could use us to be a blessing. We also had a small worship program with the kids singing songs. We are praying that God would help strengthen our brothers in prison.

Triage for inmates. They are short-staffed, it seems and they help each other with this process.

Setting up tools and pharmacy.

The student missionaries I work with helping assist! Good job you guys!

Part of the sterilization process. The line behind doubled after lunch. Can you imagine *your* waiting room like this? Below, mother and daughter team as assistants. :)

Here we are in one section of the prison, with the piles of care packages. Even though it was quite hot, everyone was in a good mood for this gift giving process.

Many of the prisoners had been without shoes for quite some time. They looked happy to get new flip-flops!

Back at the dental station, here is the old auto-clave. We are praying for a new one, since it so old and we don't know how long it will last. In order to keep visiting prisons and doing this ministry, we must have sterile tools, since we cycle through them constantly — about ever 10 minutes. A replacement auto-clave costs about 2500USD. Please pray that God would touch someone's heart to help us with this need.

The kids cheered some of the prisoners with songs and a short worship service. :)

After lunch I got to help, and learned about the different tools. These guys are tough (and happy to see the dentist), but I still cringed for them every time we had to dig the roots out! :(

Inmates from another section receiving their care packages... I could hardly believe there were 4,000 at this prison. The men sleep in shifts since there aren't enough beds/mats. Please pray that God would comfort their hearts. And pray that we could continue to visit and help.
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