During the May holiday, my fiance Seyha and I went to Kos Kong in Cambodia. It's part of his cycling / youth / health ministry future plans, and was a great blessing. As promised, there ARE mountains in Cambodia... and I was impressed by the big group of cyclists that took the 2 day ride out to the campsite. Our site was by beautiful waterfalls, and close to the ocean.
However for me, as stated by Dickens, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times..." Taking the buses/taxi from Thailand, then to get on another bus full of Cambodian teenagers, sitting next to my fiance's cousin whose English is like my Khmer, while being on my period, and not knowing what's going on, being eaten by mosquitos, and then setting up the camp to realize there are 5 icky *wet* toilets, is not my camping ideal! (actually, I could make a whole new post – maybe even a blog – on my toilet experiences in SE Asia, but I'd rather not dwell on that) On top of everything, the most frustrating was having problems with my fiance and feeling isolated by language. I helped with the cooking a lot; there's not too much language involved in chopping vegetables. *sigh* Anyway, it was tough for me, but I'm happy the kids had a good time.

I'm not sure of the total number of cyclists, but I'm surprised that some of these bikes made it!

Our friends' two super-cute kids!

CPR and warm-up techniques.

To the beach!

Some channel or bay that goes to the ocean. Below is my tent-mate Noy, another cousin of Seyha's. I think not speaking the same language is ideal for rooming together, because I noticed it made us extra thoughtful of each other's needs. There was no way for me to really explain to her that she rolls around a lot in her sleep. It was very endearing.

Seyha on the left with the guitar, David on the far right, "no hands" across the bridge.

It wasn't a requirement before, but now I can only marry someone who can ride a bike and play the guitar at the same time (while singing, of course).

Sorry I don't have more of the waterfalls. It just doesn't occur to me to take a camera if I'm going to go swimming. Below is the *tinniest* barber shop ever, covered in ad-posters, but using the principles of decorating with mirrors to enhance a small space.

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