Friday, August 1, 2008

Muak Lek high school, Mission College and Walla Walla University summer mission program

On the same Friday Ben, Seyha and I arrived into Mission College (, a group of volunteer missionaries arrived from Walla Wall University ( too. There is a group of nurses and English majors (and a few undecided) that are going to the local schools doing lice, vision/hearing checks. We joined a group going to visit the high school for their summer English program. The kids were awkward and shy, and it was a fun challenge to play games and communicate with them. Most of them speak English, but we went on the first day, so they were nervous. I am praying for this group of students. I can see that these short-term (one/two week) missions are more meaningful for the people who go than for the people here, so I pray they can find their path and calling in life.


Unknown said...

This is Kevin by the way.
I just read your "opinion" on how our short term mission trip was more for our own personal gain than to really help people.
I find that quite offensive personally, I acknowledge that you are entitled to your opinion but to state online that we basically are here for ourselves and not doing anything for those around us is quite absurd (in MY opinion).
To come to that conclusion about us as a group after being with us for what?... a half day? is that really a judgment that you are able to make? You talked with me personally for maybe a total of five to ten minutes do you really think you are able to know the kind of person i am and how i have interacted with the kids on this trip? You've seen me on my first day of teaching and you can just assume that we've done nothing for those kids. I Love those kids and just cause i havent spent months with them as you have with your Cambodian kids, doesnt make your love for your kids any stronger than mine.
yeah our mission trip is only for about 2 and a half weeks, but some of us are not called by the Lord to spend years in a foreign land. You may be one of those few who God wants to stay here in Thailand or Cambodia. But can you honestly say that God wants EVEYRONE to do that? No that would not be correct.
I can not speak for everyone else but as for me, I came on this trip to try and help someone and do soem good this summer. If i can affect at least one person's life for the positive way i would be completely satisfied with the work i've done on this trip. I came on this "SHORT" mission trip because i am still in school and dont have the luxury of being able to spend that money and time to stay in a foreign country for years as you have been able to do.
To say that this trip isnt for others and for ourselves is very self righteous of you (in MY opinion). It really seems as if you feel that you have the right to judge us and what we're doing just because you've spent more than two weeks in Cambodia. I'm not going to get into a Bible verse battle with you (cause im sure you'd win), but i am pretty sure that no one is in a position judge anyone.

Your statement basically says that what we are doing is pointless, but did you ask the kids personally if we're doing a good job? Now i am in no position to say that I'm the GREATEST teacher of all time and that im doing an Spectacular job, but i received an email from one girl in particular who told me that she loves english but doesnt get a lot of chances to practice and has really enjoyed us being there because she is able to learn a little bit more each day she was with us. Now i cant say that all the kids feel the same, but if what that girl told me is true than i feel that we've already done a great job.
But just how i am not trying to speak for the kids, you should not either. you do not know if our work has or has not made a difference in their lives so in MY opinion maybe you should think about what you are blogging about before you actually press that save button.

Diana said...

Dear Kevin,
I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings. I had no intention of making any statement that suggested you went on this trip for personal gain, or that it was not beneficial for all involved. Maybe I should have been more thoughtful and said "for me, short term trips are more meaningful for the person traveling." Yes I agree with you, that any mission work is about helping others, regardless of time or type of service. Again, I am so sorry if I hurt your feelings or anyone in the Walla Walla group's feelings, and, let me know if you want to talk. Feel free to email me at: Take care Kevin and may God bless and guide your studies.