Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tonle Sap... 2 page essay due Thursday!

It's an essay *and* a field trip! It's for your science class and your English class! My grade 8 students are hating me, but, their writing is getting a lot better. Haha... on the Friday before Monica left, we all cycled out to Tonle Sap. Tonle Sap is a river/lake with two main vilages on it (one is Cambodian, one Vietnamese). We took a boat out and I was simultaneously saddened and amazed how these people live out on the water. Yes, there were Water World jokes.... but seriously, the quality of life is poor. The people do everything with that water: fish, bathe, go to the bathroom, drink and cook with it. The students had a great time, most all of them had never been on a boat - and - we were blessed to have a microphone on the boat. So, we took turns being the tour guide and singing songs. (sorry no Korean-style karaoke). Pray for the people who live out on these floating vilages, I can't imagine living like that...

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