Well, here are some pics of my kids! I need to still take some pictures with grade 7... Grade 8 is probably the most interesting for me, since they're pretty fluent in English. We've been studying sentance structure and kinds of writing. They're all really smart, and just need help with grammer (Khmer has no past/future tenses for verbs, so that's a challenge).
And Grade 2... takes a lot of energy! Their ages range from about 6-12, so it can become kind of a zoo. They're all at different levels of confidence with English, but I try to keep things fun and practical. We do a lot of TPR (Total physical resonse) exercises, basically like Simon says in English. They love singing and they love stickers, so that's always a good way to break up the lessons when they start to lose focus. ...but, there's a stick in the classroom for when I have to bang on their desks for attention! I know that God is really helping me with this class, and I'm glad He sent my friend Seyha to help (he speaks Khmer and English).