Here's some photos of our trip to Krabi! This first set is from Seyha's birthday, Sunday the 9th. We took a boat trip out to Koh Phi Phi (pronounced "Pee Pee") that included several beaches, lagoons and snorkeling. It was really a fun-filled day, and I thank God for the amazingly beautiful weather! (The day we had arrived it was a bit over cast). Hope you enjoy a glimpse of our trip! :)

Swallow caves where people gather their nest for "bird nest soup" Ewww!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you… it was very sweet, the tour even surprised my husband with a little cupcake (though hopelessly trying to keep a candle lit on a speedboat!)

Seasick at Maya bay...

Some beach where we ate lunch. They even had some vegan dishes for us! :)

Open-water snorkeling! Seyha didn't like all the awkwardness of the gear and preferred to go without. The fish were so colorful and fast!

Helpless piece of bread thrown overboard. Devoured in seconds!

After taking some sea-sickness medicine, I fell asleep on Bamboo Island. When we got up I saw a cute shell we were laying on only to discover it was a scared and patient hermit crab! What a cutie.

Back from our adventures! Sunset view from our hotel in town.

Next day we kayaked for a few hours at Bor Thor (I think that's the name). We had a great time making friends and seeing the caves and islands. Lots of mangrove trees and monkies too!

Way, way up on these high cliff walls, you can see an old painting. Our guides said it was a mini map of the islands that pointed the way out to the sea.


Lots of pics of our guides and friends we made on the trip! :) We met people from Canada, Malaysia, Holland, Ireland, Mexico! What a diverse group!

On our way back from the kayaking trip. So many beautiful little islands! I'll post more when I can. :)