“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)
This last Saturday we had a rice donation to a community in need. I put this picture first, of our prayer during church that morning. I believe when we pray, God truly answers in amazing ways. It is a blessing to, because here, before we have prayer together, we sing “As We Come to You in Prayer”— which is the same song we sing back at my home church! AND when we close the worship program, we sing “We Have this Hope,” that my friends at the Indonesian church always sing as a closing song... so I'm comforted with these little similarities. :) But I'm most thankful, that no matter where I am, God hears and answers prayer.

There was planning beforehand regarding which families were in the most need, family size, etc. Here are some of our church friends discussing with the community leaders how to organize things properly, so there wouldn't be confusion. And my friend documenting the whole event. :)

Getting hydrated to help out and serve!

God faithfully provided more than enough rice, canned foods — and even some goodies for the children! One of our ESL/Spanish teacher's mom and grandma lovingly wrapped small packages for the kids.

It was great to have musical talent too... I'm glad they could sing songs in Thai. I felt the people were greatly calmed and blessed.

One of the community leaders was so happy for this blessing. He was sharing how God used us to answer prayers to provide for the people of this community! I will be praying that God continues to provide for their needs and food — but also that He would provide spiritual food from the Bible too. :)

Are you ready to help out with a kids program?? Of course you are! :) I had a great time singing and playing with my friends – and I learned a new game too! Sorry, no pictures of the games... too busy playing!

“If you're happy and you know it say, ‘Amen!’”

Empty truck in the background.. me and my new friends. :)